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A Day in the Life: Scott Krueger

by Tessa Vogel
April 11, 2022
Follow Chief Operating Officer Scott Krueger’s Day, in and outside of the office.

When Salelytics stood up as its own company after divestiture, we knew we’d need a mindful, empathetic leader at the wheel. Walk through a day with Chief Operating Officer Scott Krueger to see what it takes to be just that.

5:30 am

I usually wake up about 5:30 to the sound of a whimpering puppy.  My wife Shuree and I just rescued a German Shepard. Leo, who is now 10 weeks old, needs to go outside.

5:45 am

We sit down and give Leo some playtime while enjoying coffee.  Also, I’ve been learning the German language, so I spend a few minutes on that lesson for today.  We have relatives that live in Europe that we’d love to visit, and I have been working on learning the German language for over a year now.

6:20 am

Time for some exercise.  I like to get an hour a day in whether it's cardio, weights, or a combination of both.  Today I opt for one of my favorite running routes around the UW-Green Bay arboretum.  It’s a very scenic run with lots of nature and wildlife.  I use exercise as a stress management tool. 

7:45 am

It’s time to get ready for the workday and spend a little time with our cats.  With the new puppy around they need a little extra attention.  We try to get them some exercise and then provide their morning meals.

8:00 am

My workday starts.  What I love about my job is that every day is a new challenge  As I look at my calendar I have meetings with IT, HR, clients, operations, and sales.  Both the variety of the work and obstacles motivate me.

8:30 am

The first call of the day is a client call with our second biggest client.  We are working on implementing new technologies to support the business.  On calls like this, my IT background really helps supplement the operational challenges we face.  Post pandemic, almost every call is a video call, which supports our remote environment.

9:00 am to 12:00 pm

The morning flies by with a diverse range of calls.  Some days it’s a challenge to quickly pivot from one subject to the next.  Today, unfortunately, is one of those days where everything is back-to-back, and I don’t get much of a break.

12:00 pm

Time to sneak in some lunch and let the dog outside.  I do wish spring would come so that Leo could spend more time outdoors.  For lunch, I have leftovers from last night, meatballs with some vegetables.  They taste even better than the day before. 

Leo, Scott's new German Shepard puppy

1:00 pm

I begin prepping for another afternoon full of calls.  One of the main subjects will be how we can best find and retain talent to support the growth of the business.  Many of our partners are now introducing the idea of us hiring for them, to supplement their teams, since the labor market is so challenging right now.  It’s an interesting concept and could provide some additional revenue.

2:00 pm

Although my title is an operational one, I still attend many sales calls where we are trying to acquire new business.  I enjoy this aspect of my job and it helps me understand what challenges our clients are facing in the marketplace. This particular call is with a Fortune 100 company to provide leads for their salesforce. 

3:00 pm

I have a few 1:1 meetings this afternoon.  These are important to stay connected to my team.  I try to be vigilant about keeping these weekly to maintain those connections even in a remote environment.  I am truly blessed to have as strong of a team as I do, they are the main reason Salelytics will have significant growth in the back half of this year.

4:00 pm

Over the past two years, Salelytics has undergone many changes while divesting from Intrado. This required us to stand up new systems and support teams.  My last meeting of the day is to discuss the evolution of one of these new platforms.  It has helped our organization to have these teams and technologies specifically back the Salelytics business.  In the past, we had been lumped together with Intrado, which was a more technology-based company than people-based.  Our motto (People first, everything else will follow) truly emulates who we are as an organization, and these systems now reflect that.

Time for dinner, a healthy Meatball Pizza

5:00 pm

I head up for a break from the main part of my workday.  We usually eat dinner between 5:30 and 6:00.  My wife is an amazing cook, and I am so fortunate that she makes most of the meals for us.  She always prepares healthy meals that taste great too.  Tonight on the menu: Homemade meatball pizza, and it is awesome!

6:00 pm

After our dinner, the dog gets fed, and then walked if it is nice out.  I try and get any chores done around the house which have been largely ignored.

7:30 pm to 10:00 pm

This is my favorite time of day.  The dog is now tired and usually resting.  Shuree and I finally sit down and enjoy something on TV and chat about what is going on.  I also continue to catch up on emails so that I can start the next day fresh. Doing this helps me to plan the next day’s meetings and responses too.

10:00 pm

Usually, we wind down between 10 and 10:30 pm. We let the puppy out one last time and give the cats their nightly treat…yes they are spoiled.  Once my head hits the pillow, I am asleep within seconds.

And the next day, Salelytics COO Scott Krueger does it all again. Our team feels grateful to have a leader with the expertise and compassion to carry us further. Thank you for sharing a successful day with us, Scott!

Tessa Vogel, Marketing Content Manager
As a Marketing Content Manager, I'm passionate about bringing creativity to business. Through leadership, content writing, photography, social media, and campaign building, I'm able to find that intersection.

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